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A key customer was unable to source a replacement slewing pinion gear in the required timeframe.

Responding quickly and to reduce development time & costs we started from scratch, identified areas for optimisation in the production process and manufactured a new component that ensured interoperability and returned the asset to service with minimal downtime.

Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering

Unable to source a replacement rotation chuck in the required time frame, a key customer requested our support.

The effectiveness of bearing areas on the component had been heavily compromised. We assessed the damage and were able to return the component to service at nominal cost by installing sleeves which ensured the limits of fit between critical components were maintained.

Utilised for manufacturing, remanufacturing and reverse engineering purposes, our CAD software allows Ardello Engineering to lower production costs, develop a range of solutions more quickly and optimise project completion timelines.

Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering

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